114-1 Conventional

Field Notes:
- Great drought tolerance
- Works very well in Kansas and the southwest
- Shorter plant type with great roots
- Will benefit from fungicide
Maturity | 112-114 | Early Plant Vigor | VG |
Silking (GDU) | 1140 | Root Rating | VG |
Black Layer (GDU) | 2770 | Stalk Rating | EX |
Ear Type | SF | Goss Wilt | VG |
Plant Height | M | Gray Leaf Spot | AVG |
Test Weight | VG | Northern Leaf Blight | G |
Corn on Corn | G | Stalk Anthracnose | AVG |
Product Availability
- D = Determinate
- F = Flex
- SF = Semi-Flex
- SD = Semi-Determinate
- S = Short
- M = Medium
- MS = Medium Short
- MT = Medium Tall
- T = Tall
- WF = With Fungicide
- R = Recommended
- G = Good
- NR = Not Recommended
- VL – Very Low
- L = Low
- M = Medium
- MH = Medium High
- H = High
- P = Poor
- F = Fair
- AVG = Average
- G = Good
- VG = Very Good
- EX = Excellent